New Here?
Getting started with LifeHouse Church
You're Invited!
Join Us!
We would love to meet you!
Whether you’re a newcomer to Mississauga, exploring the Christian faith, or seeking a supportive church family, we invite you to join us at any of our locations across the city. Discover how we nurture meaningful connections and mutual encouragement in our journey with Jesus!
We currently gather at different times and locations in Mississauga, Meadowvale, and Waterloo.
Click the button below to discover more about each location. We look forward to the opportunity of welcoming you!

Grow together!
Find a small group.
One of the best ways to grow in your relationship with Jesus is to join a small group where you can be encouraged, discipled and build friendships in a safe, smaller setting.
Our LifeGroups meet in various areas throughout the week, so contact us through the button below or connect with us on a Sunday to meet some of the LifeGroup leaders.
Serve & Lead
Get involved!
Be part of our community!
Being part of a community means getting involved! We would love to talk to you about all the opportunities at LifeHouse.
Joining one of our amazing teams is a great way to meet people and contribute to the vibrant, multi-faceted LifeHouse community. There is a place for you!

Alpha Course
Meet new people.
Explore faith together.
The Alpha course introduces the basics of the Christian faith through a series of engaging talks and lively, meaningful discussions. We also enjoy a meal together during the in-person sessions.
This course offers participants an opportunity to explore the meaning of life, and faith in Jesus. We hope you’ll consider joining us for this transformative course.

Mission & Values
Jesus Known by All
LifeHouse Church exists to encourage and equip followers of Jesus to demonstrate His transformative love, grace and power wherever they go! Jesus has commanded us all to go and to impact friends, families, neighbours, communities, cities and nations with the good news that God loves them and has made a way for all people to come into a relationship with Him.
We’d love to get to know you better
and let you know how you can get involved in our church family!